Onam Celebration 2016 Onam Celebration The most celebrated festival of Keralites ONAM, was celebrated in the Rajagiri campus on 19th September. Students from every branch had their own attire which they followed uniformly making the campus very colorful on the day. The biggest attraction was that one among our International students was dressed up as our favorite “Mahabali” and another student as “Vamanan”. Read more ...
The 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication-2016 The 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication-2016 Read more ...
Pro Academy Intensive Industrial Training given to students in campus by Rajagiri Pro Academy. Leaders from MNC’s are invited to train students from the first year to equip them for the competitive Industry waiting for them. This gives the students a good industrial exposure and helps them in the sudden shift from college to the corporate world hi world.
Malayala Manorama full page report on the international students studying in Kochi Malayala Manorama had a full page report on the international students studying in Kochi dated 28th July under its 28th edition. Read more ...
Sports Day The Physical Education Department of RSET aims at the holistic development of the talent. The great end of this education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulations of others. [module-204]
One day tour The foreign students were taken for a one day tour after their first semester exams to rejuvenate themselves in natures lap. 8 students along with 2 faculty members and their hostel warden explored the scenic beauty of south India and tried some variety cuisines. [module-203]